Vintage Kyoto landscape map, Japanese illustration. Original public domain image from the Minneapolis Institute of Art. … Image from public domain licenseNoah's Ark (1627) vintage celestial atlas illustration by Julius Schiller. Original public domain image from The Minneapolis… Image from public domain licenseThe Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise by Giovanni di Paolo (Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia) Image from public domain licenseQuodlibet with Goldfinch by Christian Gottlob Winterschmidt Image from public domain licenseNoah's Ark (Argo Navis or Ship of the Argonauts) from Coelum Stellatum Christianum (Christian Starry Heavens). Original from… Image from public domain license Charte von Italien : Nach seiner neuesten Eintheilung und den vorzüglichsten Hülfsmitteln Image from public domain licenseA 3x2 stitched and HDR tone mapped image of the sanctuary at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Image from public domain licenseAcademies of all Europe or the Christian world according to their provinces, a new table for the use of students, perfectly… Image from public domain licensePlattegrond van de heerlijkheid Maarsseveen (deel linksboven) (1690 - 1691) by Philibert Bouttats, Jan van der Heyden and… Image from public domain licensePlattegrond van de heerlijkheid Maarsseveen, bestaande uit vier delen (1690 - 1691) by Philibert Bouttats, Jan van der… Image from public domain licenseKaart van Gelderland (1592) by anonymous, Christian Sgrothen and Officina Plantiniana Image from public domain licenseBeobachtungen über die asiatische Cholera, gesammelt auf einer nach Warschau im Auftrage der K.S. Landesregierung… Image from public domain license